Thank you for voting against your own interests and principles. Here is a loyalty oath you can sign!
I _______________ pledge to transfer my support from Hillary Clinton to John McCain. I agree to do all I can do to get McCain the vote. In order to achieve this noble goal I promise to support McCain's
- promise to protect "the sanctity of marriage as between a man and woman."
- commitment to banning federal recognition of gay marriage and domestic partnerships.
- commitment to the Army's Don't ask don't tell policy and acknowledge that "even reopen the issue" would be a "terrific mistake."
- Vote for John McCain
- Stop engaging in gay sex
- enroll in a program to treat my homosexuaity and "straighten" myself out, such as A M.A.N.S. (Masculinity, Authenticity, Need Fulfillment, Surrender) Journey:
- install nanny cams in my house
- Admit that fellow homosexuals and I are responsible for natural disasters, including Katrina
Continue to refrain from gay sex
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